An Undisclosed UK Central Government Client
How did they find us?
Well actually, we found them! By reaching out to many public sector clients were able to quickly establish that many had sizeable gaps in their IT operations and compliance practices; something they knew they needed to solve PDQ in light of the ever-expanding and diverse range of IT services being required by their end users.
What was the problem?
As with many large IT estates, their incumbent monitoring and management systems had grown organically over time and they had simply lost the necessary control and insight as required by their equally scaling (and diverse) customer-facing IT systems. With a multitude of different vendor solutions realising services from disparate silos, it wasn’t just insight they had lost, they also had a huge opportunity to consolidate their capabilities and reduce operational TCO.
How did we engage?
As per the Halcyon standard engagement and delivery model, we provided free pre-sales consultations that allowed us to better understand the client, their IT systems, their issues and root causes. Once we were agreed on the base problems, and established Halcyon ONE as a suitable fit to address those problems, we helped the client forge a business case which led to a procurement and subsequent deployment.
What did we do?
Halcyon ONE was deployed and reached full operating capacity in just 5 days; fully inclusive of the software implementation, the technical handover and creating the customer-specific low-level/configuration documentation. The client was actually able to deliver the business cases’ return on investment (ROI) promise of 1 year, in approximately 3 months; by means of contractor reductions, and removal superfluous licences for retired management systems. Less then 3 months later, we were subsequently recalled to implement a second capability module for the base Halcyon ONE deployment. And one year after that, we were back again to deploy a second Halcyon ONE instance in another part of the clients’ estate; realising an equally impressive ROI.
What happened next?
The customer took advantage of the annual call-off consultancy (which we include as part of our standard deployment) to review the Halcyon ONE instances and make further recommendations on their expansion. This also included a review of their ability to integrate with wider system of interest and ultimately, the retirement of other disparate management tool sets. 2 years on, both services are still delivering extensive, tangible benefits to the client in terms of increased productivity and reduced licence and operational overheads.
Can potential customers read more on the low-level behind this case study?
Absolutely. We have the full case study available for download here. Due to the nature of the client and their operations, certain details (to include their name) have been redacted.